I and a couple of other ex-philosophy-grad-school students from the University of Texas at Austin from back during the Clinton years now produce a podcast, The Partially Examined Life (http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com), wherein we read classic philosophic texts and talk about them in a semi-humorous manner.
Figures covered so far include Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Rousseau, Bentham/Mill, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, James, Wittgenstein, Husserl, Schopenhauer, Freud, Camus, Heisenberg, Turing/Searle/Nagel/Ryle/Dennett, Chuang Tzu, Nagarjuna, Nelson Goodman, and Arthur Danto (who listened to the episode about himself and gave us high praise).
The episodes generally serve as a good introduction to the uninitiated while still delving deeply enough to be of interest to many of you folks. Please consider checking it out and/or sending out our URL to your students, and if you have a desire after listening to a few to participate in some way, please let me know.
I apologize highly if this message seems like spam to you; we don’t make any money off of this, and are just charged to be able to spread our appreciation of these works to those that might not otherwise have the opportunity (or patience) to dig into them.
-Mark Linsenmayer
《大腦簡史》高醫大座談評論:〈當我們向欲望說不〉by 陳信吉
8 年前
2 意見:
cool! 好影片
philosophy bites